Our swimmers’ welfare is paramount. Before taking photographs at Little Swimming Company , Please read and complete the following register to the left of the page.
We fully understand the dangers and repercussions with photographs of young swimmers.
Can we politely remind you that in the interest of Safeguarding Children that taking photographs or videos that include other children is not allowed in this facility.
If you do wish to take pictures please only ensure your child is in them.
If you sign our register you agree that,
• All children whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and / or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse
• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously; and responded to swiftly and appropriately
• Anyone under the age of 17 years (Scotland under 16 years) should be considered as a child in our facility
· We ask that parents ensure that only their child is in their photographs/videos
· We remind parents of the dangers of social media and children in swimwear and ask that you
· If you believe your child may be in another parent’s photographs it is within your rights to object to such an action and report it to the welfare officer of Little Swimming Company, Benjamin Sabin.
Full Data Use and Privacy Policy can be read here:
Little Swimming Company Privacy Policy