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Summer Swim academy

About Swim Academy
THroughout the Summer
Intensive Crash Courses ( 4 days)
Suitable for Children age 4+
​30 Minute Small Group Daily Sessions
@Astley Community High School
A host of our usual instructors teaching
Options for all Swimmers age 4+ right up to club level swimming
Cost: £70.00
Come and join us on an immersive Swimming Journey! A great introduction to lessons and the water
Children will all work towards gaining their very first award with us at the end of the week
Parents not required to enter the water
Express your interest below and a member of the team will get back to you to book you in

we will also have some adhoc availability for 1-1 lessons during the holidays if you would prefer to take part in 1-1 lessons over the holidays
these can be arranged by texting: 07702211891
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